The study of population is required in planning so as to determine the size of human resources in a locality and ascertain their various needs and consider their interests and traits for the economic growth of the community at the local level. Human resources and their needs could be specifically identified by studying the population size, growth, structure, distribution, density, composition and changes due to births, deaths, inmigration, out-migration, transfer of groups in the same population such as marriages, separation, divorce and other socio-economic characteristics and the causes and consequences of those factors. Likewise, the age of the population determines the potential labor force and identifies the areas with considerable unemployment rates. These data guide the planners in redirecting development towards the concerned area and create job opportunities for existing and projected population.
Needless to say, the population size, its growth, spatial and age distribution affect the demand for economic goods and services such as food, clothing and other manufactured products, and the need to generate employment opportunities. An increasing population connotes an increasing demand for housing with necessary amenities. As consumers, the size and composition growth of population determine the demand for water and power supply for households, drainage system and other community utilities such as transportation.
While land resources are definite in the area and sometimes limited, or even subject to liquefaction, population density and rural expansion generally increase. Thus, population growth is a major controlling factor in the maintenance or degradation of ecological balance and the massive conversion of protection and production lands like agricultural and forestlands to urban uses.
Historical Growth and Composition
The municipality of Bani can be characterized as having a continuous increase in population from 1903 to present.
The first recorded data on population of Bani was 4,440, as per census in 1903. During the succeeding censal year in 1918, it rose to 8,109 with an absolute change of 3,669 or 4.11 annual growth rate. This period recorded the highest absolute percent change. This number steadily increased to 14,565 in 1939 with an annual growth rate of 2.83 percent and an absolute change of 6,456. This period also recoded the highest absolute change. Nine years after, in 1948, the population rose to 18,402 with an increase of 3,837 or 2.63 percent annual growth rate. The population in 1960 furthermore increased by 5,356 or 2.5 percent annual growth rate.
During the period 1970 to 1975, the town’s population increased to 27,549 with 1.82 annual growth rate. A slight increase was observed between 1975 to 1980 with a total population of 29,039 having 1,490 from its level in 1975. From 1980 to 1990, an increase of 8,141 or 2.50 percent change was noted. The censal period done in 1995, registered a total population of 37,450 with an increase of 270 or 0.14 annual growth rate. The last censal period conducted in 2000 indicated an increase of 5,274 with an annual growth rate of 2.72 percent
Population Composition and Distribution
As of 2007 census of population, Bani has a total population of 45,652.
Barangay |
Population |
Ambabaay | 1,898 |
Aporao | 670 |
Arwas | 1,644 |
Ballag | 873 |
Banog Norte | 1,978 |
Banog Sur | 1,573 |
Centro Toma | 2,009 |
Colayo | 1,734 |
Dacap Norte | 942 |
Dacap Sur | 2,924 |
Garrita | 1,491 |
Luac | 1,879 |
Macabit | 1,150 |
Masidem | 1,153 |
Poblacion | 3,697 |
Quinaoayanan | 2,886 |
Ranao | 2,384 |
Ranom Iloco | 1,676 |
San Jose | 1,897 |
San Miguel | 3,439 |
San Simon | 1,159 |
San Vicente | 1,217 |
Tiep | 2,419 |
Tipor | 853 |
Tugui Grande | 1,341 |
Tugui Norte 790 | |
Calabeng | 876 |
Urban-Rural and Distribution |
For the purpose of town planning and zoning, Barangay Poblacion shall be considered as urban barangay,. While the remaining 26 barangays shall be considered as rural barangays. Presently, the contiguous built-up portions of the said urban barangays are the center of urban activities in the municipality.
As per 2000 census, the urban barangay has 4,815 population comprising 11.24 percent of the total municipal population and an average household size of 5 persons.
Rural barangays have a total population of 38,009 comprising 88.76 percent of the total population and an average household size of 4.77 or about 5. The most populated rural barangays are Barangays San Miguel (3,464), Quinaoayanan (2,425), Banog Norte (1,787), Dacap Sur (1,940), and Centro Toma (1,712). They also have the highest number of households.
Population Density
Taken in its entirety, the municipality of Bani has a gross density of 2 persons per hectare which is still considered as low density. However, compared to other towns similarly situated, the locality’s population is ideal. Population is sufficient in number and there are rooms for economic expansion.
On the average, the urban areas has a population density of 9 persons per hectare. The rural area, on the other hand, has an average of 2 persons per hectare. The most populated rural barangay is Tugui Grande and Tugui Norte with a total population of 1,392 and 671 and 6 persons per hectare, respectively
Age-Sex, Population
As per 2000 NSO Census, of the 42,824 population of Bani, 21,709 or 50.69 percent belonged to male population while 21,115 or 49.31 percent belonged to female population. There were more males than females with ratio of 99:100 or there were 99 females for every 100 males.
Languages or Dialects Spoken
Mother Tongue is the first dialect spoken by a person in his earliest childhood. It is the tongue used at the birth of a child. While it is conceded that the formal education of the child is in school, his personality and upbringing are at home for which parents are responsible. In the process, communication between the parents and children is inevitable. In this regard, mother tongue plays an important role
Religious Affiliation
The most dominant religion in Bani is Roman Catholic with 28,686 or 66.98 percent followers. Another dominant religion is the municipality is Aglipay with 7,859 or 18.35 percent, Iglesia Ni Cristo with 2,164 or 5.05 percent followers. Other religions include: Islam, Philippine Episcopal Church, Iglesia Evangelista Methodista en Las Filipinas, United Methodist Church, Salvation army Philippines, Convention of the Philippine Baptist Church, Other Protestant, Buddhist, Church of Christ of the Latter Day Saints, Jehova’s Witnesses, Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association, Seventh Day Adventist, Evangelicals, Bible Baptist, Southern Baptist, Association of Baptist Churches in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
Migration and Its Measures
Migration is the movement of population across a specific boundary for the purpose of residing therein.
Marital Status
Of the total household population of age bracket 10 years old and over, as per 2000 data, majority or 16,558 are legally married comprising 8,219 are males and 8,339 are females; 13,173 are single of which 7,198 are males and 5,975 are females, 1,651 are widowed of which 408 are males and 1,243 are females, 212 are divorced or separated of which 92 are males and 120 are females, 228 have not stated their status of which 122 are males and 106 are females.
Literacy Rate
Of the 32,510 household population 10 years old and over, 30,668 or 9,433 percent are literate and 1,842 or 5.67 are illiterate. Of the literate, 15,580 are male and 15,088 are female. Of the illiterate, 798 are male and 1044 are female. Based on the table below, there are more literate in the young generation than those in old generation.
Highest Educational Attainment
As per 2000 data, of the 37,748 inhabitants 5 years old and over, 94.81 percent have completed or entered school under specific educational level while 1,960 or 5.19 percent failed to finish or enter school.
Majority or 12.835 or 34.00 percent of the household population 5 years old and over were able to reach high school of which 5,040 or 13.35 are undergraduate and 7,795 or 20.65 percent are graduate, 15,490 or 41.04 percent reached elementary grade of which 6,995 or 18.53 percent were 1st to 4th grade and 8,495 or 22.50 percent were 5th to 7th grade, 2,784 or 7.38 percent are college graduate, 1,692 or 4.48 percent are post secondary of which 814 or 2.16 percent are undergraduate and 878 or 2.32 percent are graduate, 1011 or 2.68 percent are academic degree holder, 405 or 1.07 percent are post baccalaureate and 1,023 or 2.71 percent failed to state their respective educational attainment.
Broad Age Group
Productive or working are population belonging to the age bracket 15 to 64 years old represent the locality’s potential labor force. Dependent population, on the other hand, is made up of young persons belonging to ages 0 to 14 and older ones who are 65 years old and over.
On the other hand, the dependent age group, the members of which are generally but not necessarily dependent on the productive group for their subsistence, totaled 16,800 or 39.46 percent of the total population as of 2000. The young population consisting of 14,364 or 33.54 percent outnumbered the older ones of 64 years old and over numbering 2,536 or 5.92 percent.
As per 2000, 25,924 or 60.54 percent of the population belonged to the productive or working age group. Potential labor force contributed 60.54 percent of the total population. The ratio of young dependent to working age group is 55:100 and the old dependent to working age group is 10:100.
School Going-Age Population
As per 1995 data, a total of 13,601 or 36.32 percent of the total municipal population belong to school-going ages 7 to 20 years old, as per DECS classification. Of the number 6,607 or 48.58 percent are elementary comprising 4,846 or 35.63 percent primary and 1,761 or 12.95 percent intermediate, 3,333 or 24.51 percent secondary ( 13 to 16 years old) and 3,661 or 26.92 percent tertiary (17 to 20 years old).
Labor Force or Working Age Group
As of 1990. the municipality has a total labor force of 23,282 of which 10,246 or 44.01 percent are employed consisting of 7,779 or 33.41 percent male and 2,467 or 10.6 percent female; 1,792 or 7.70 percent are unemployed of which 869 or 3.73 percent are male and 923 or 3.96 percent are female. Large number of the population comprising 11,244 or 48.29 percent are not in the labor force.
Population projection is basic and very important in Land Use Planning. This is the means to enable the planner to forecast the size and growth of the population in a study area and direct the future utilization of available resources to meet the needs required by such size of population.
In planning, it was always wise and safe to project the needed parameters. Projections were made for the next ten (10) years 2003-2012 particularly for the total population, population by barangay, population by age group, school-going age, population density, and households population. Mathematical methods of projections, specifically Geometric and Linear Growth Approaches were used. Ratios and preparations were also resorted in some computations.
Population size and compositions were projected in order to provide planners an idea for the goods and services to be produced. The projections were sourced out from the results of the total population projections.
The population of Bani is expected to reach 56,006 by year 2012 representing an increase of 13,182 from its level of 2000. This means that the municipality has to prepare itself to accommodate a larger number of population in the future.
Urban population is expected to reach 6,297 by year 2012 representing an increase of 1,482 from its level of 2000. The rate of population growth is faster in the urban area than in the rural area, hence it is expected that urban lands shall be expected towards the fringes of Poblacion.
Taking a closer look at the projections by age-group, 13.24 percent of the highest increase shall be contributed by ages 5 to 9 at the peak of production group. Population growth rate becomes much faster if population management will not be taken seriously during the planning period.
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